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Lamminpaeae, Jaakko: Vesterinen, Veli-Matti: Puutio, Katja: Draw-a-science-comic: exploring children's conceptions by drawing a comic about science. [2023]
Perez, Oriana: Vadathya, Anil Kumar: Beltran, Alice: Barnett, R. Matthew: Hindera, Olivia: u.a.: The family level assessment of screen use-mobile approach: Development of an approach to measure children's mobile use. [2022]
DeMarsico, Dominick: Bounoua, Nadia: Miglin, Rickie: Sadeh, Naomi: Aggression in the digital era: Assessing the validity of the cyber motivations for aggression and deviance scale. [2022]
Opree, Suzanna: Buijzen, Moniek: van Reijmersdal, Eva: Reliability and validity of children's advertising exposure measures. [2021]
Kolak, Joanna: Norgate, Sarah H.: Monagan: Monaghan, Padraic: Taylor, Gemma: Developing evaluation tools for assessing the educational potential of apps for preschool children in the UK. [2021]
Weiss, Hans-Juergen: Maurer, Torsten: Beier, Anne: ARD/ZDF-Programmanalyse 2019: Kontinuitaet und Wandel. Forschungshintergrund und Methode. [2020]
Klakk, Heidi: Wester, Christian Tolstrup: Olesen, Line Groenholt: Rasmussen, Martin Gillies: Kristensen, Peter Lund: u.a.: The development of a questionnaire to assess leisure time screen-based media use and its proximal correlates in children (SCREENS-Q). [2020]
MacCain, Jessica L.: Campbell, W. Keith: Narcissism and social media use: A meta-analytic review. [2018]
Mikos, Lothar (Hrsg.): Wegener, Claudia (Hrsg.): Qualitative Medienforschung. Ein Handbuch. 2., voellig ueberarb. und erweit. Aufl. [2017]
Baumgartner, Susanne E.: Lemmens, Jeroen S.: Weeda, Wouter D.: Huizinga, Mariette: Measuring media multitasking. Development of a short measure of media multitasking for adolescents. [2017]
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